A crisis in the custody suite – part 2

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 15 December 2017 14:28.

A cautionary tale for policemen

“I have that victim report you asked for, sir,” announced WPC Brook, a Leeds lass and The Fragrant Linda to the small and dwindling coterie of officers over 40 who, like Boulder, had yet to fully internalise the rigorous standards of a-sexuality required in the work context of the, of course, perpetually modernising and by no means hysterically anti white male, post-racial, post-gender Met.  Delicately, she laid thirty-four sheets of densely-typed A4 paper on Kevin Boulder’s desk.  He looked down at them, then up, questioningly, at her face.  He leafed through the first dozen.  A crime report typically filled a single page - maybe two in exceptional circumstances. “Where’d all this come from?” he asked.

“He gave me a memory stick he’d smuggled past the custody desk in the waist band of his trousers,” she said, “He must have had it all ready when you arrested him.  There was one Word file on it, just needing me to copy and paste, and quite a few screenshot images I copied but did not print out with the report because we’ve no colour cartridges until tomorrow.”

“Well, thank fuck for that.” Boulder sighed, picking up all thirty-four pages and headed for Bennett’s office.

“I think we’ve been ‘ad, guv?” he said as he went through the door, “This guy Holly is playin’ us.”  Like Boulder, Bennett was fazed by the sheer bulk of the document.  He flicked through back-to-front, like a pack of playing cards.  It consisted of fifty numbered quotes and URLs, beneath each of which were two or three paragraphs of commentary in sparely-written legal language.  Bennett read the first and longest numbered quote:

Karu nadu 20 hours ago
Like all fµƈking racists you are obsessed with defending a non-existent purity.  This is a constantly invaded land.  The people who came here were Basques and Romans from Africa and Jews from the Middle East and now they are Pakistanis, Indians, black Caribbeans and black Africans as well.  The English you obsess about have only ever been immigrants and then mongrels.  There is nothing to defend because there is nothing to replace, though replacing you naȥi retards will improve the gene pool a thousand times over.  Hatred and intolerance will die with you.  In fact, why don’t you just fµƈk off now?  It is the beautiful black and brown native people of England who own the future.”

Bennett took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.  “Well, Prakash Ghosh isn’t a very diplomatic fellow,” he observed dryly, “But yeah, Ghosh thinks he’s playing Holly, but it’s clearly the other way round.  Holly knew he was going to be questioned sooner or later.  He wanted us to question him.  He was all ready for us to question him.  He’s playing Ghosh and he’s playing us.  What’s his game?”

“What are you going to do about it?” Boulder asked.


Rules based analysis: YKW orchestrating electorate by objectivist/collectivist narrative opposition

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 December 2017 06:14.

Doug Jones headquarters upon announcement of surprising upset victory over Roy Moore in Alabama Senatorial race.

Objectivist vs collectivist opposition as diagrammed (or, rather, diagramable) through the episodic background of the Republican Roy Moore vs Democrat Doug Jones Senatorial vote.

Republicans, particularly of Alabama -

Rule: Prohibited to be collectivist, that would not accord with the American Constitution, its objectivist basis of fair play based on pure, objectively assessed individual merit. Further, that would be “racist” according to 1964 Civil Rights Consent Decrees, particularly if White men act in discriminatory relative, collective interest.

Rule: Obligated to defend American Constitutional objectivism and its civil rights.

Rule: Legitimate to defend one’s (White) people and the moral order that would provide for their homeostasis by implicit means of the Constitution’s provision for freedom of religion; if White people so happen to arrive at the same opinion through pure objective fate of nature and the grace of god.

YKW, Obligatory to take and maintain hegemonic control through seven power niches -

academics, religion, money, law & courts, media, business, politics:

Rule: Now that that hegemony has been achieved (approximately following 2008 collapse) keep that hegemony by orchestrating public opinion against “leftism”, i.e., prohibit and block the collective unionization of goyim against Jewish and complicit right wing hegemony.

Rule: Obligatatory to orchestrate Zionism vs goyim collective antagonism through a casuistry of service to Jewish interests given the circumstance - in the latest turn, orchestrate support of Republican Trumpist Zionism with “objective” American constitutionalism and evangelicals to serve right wing Jewry, its Zionism.

This was done with dog whistles to implicit Whiteness against PC through the got-up paleoconservatism of Alt-Right/light.

Rule: Left internationalist Jews Obligated to deflect attention away from Jewish culpability and to destroy White leftism through promotion of Democratic panmixia with focus on perfidy of shabbos goyim front men, Trump, Bannon and Roy Moore - orchestrate defeat of Roy Moore.

Critic of Trump’s Zionist flunky-ism objects - but this is “illogical”, Trump does not yet have his coat tails to follow through on Iranian war; coordination with Russian, Jewish, Muslim and African hegemony against global balancing with Asia.

Rule: Jews are not obligated to act in accordance with modernist binary “STEM” logic, but rather with post modern casuistry, leveraging forth a phronesis, a judgment through practical feel for the best argument in their interests given the circumstance. This can seem contradictory in short term perspective, but they are playing a long game.

The YKW might offer up scapegoats who are not serving their image very well anyway - where not an aging Soros as the arch liberal, then an ageing Harvey Weinstein - Weinstein as a catalyst to set forth a media firestorm of kindred accusations of sexual harassment allegations against men in power; that, in order to divert attention from Jewish power and matters of racial interests, and instead into issues of gender dispute; in order to serve the ulterior motive of attacking White men in power, so that Whites cannot collectivize, as their female co-evolutionaries (whom their interests depend upon) as well as non-Whites are empowered to collectivize particularly against the naively/disingenuously reactionary right wing White men (reaction as they are prone in their more circumspect k selective system and Augustinian nature).

Republicans, particularly of Alabama -

Rule: Obligated to defend the purity of our threatened morality and meritocracy through the grace of forgiveness of a Christian representative - Roy Moore - even though he is a sinner, like us all.

YKW, Obligatory to take and maintain hegemonic control through seven power niches -

academics, politics, money, law & courts, media, business, religion:

Republicans, particularly of Alabama -

Rule: Obligatory to maintain our moral order through god’s salvation of Jewish supplied Judeo-Christianity.

Rule: and the Jewish supplied central rule, the Golden Rule of altruism, prohibits us to hate those who transgress us. Self interest, let alone collective interest, is literally unthinkable.

Because of this self contradictory rule structure (non-unanimity, as it were), a logical working out of White social interests is prohibited (e.g., as might otherwise be possible by establishing relative and subjectively interested boundaries along with an option for sex and monogamy as sacrament) and pure objectivism of universal, individualistic Darwinist competition gains hegemony: creates anxiety in a Roy Moore, that not only will it become more difficult for him to find a virgin wife - and therefore maintain justice for his people by means of control variables to his systemic EGI against importunate episodic competition (particularly in largely black Alabama, and given that blacks are more evolved for episodic evaluation of K selection - a selection style propped up by the Democratic welfare state) among older women, but that he is obligated to assimilate objectivist competition and threat to his EGI by “politicking” (harassing) a number of girls before settling on one.

YKW, take and maintain hegemonic control through seven power niches:

academics, religion, money, law & courts, politics, business, media:

Call in (((Bill Mahr’s))) Vice News and CNN to put a didactic frame around Moore and his voters, around Roy Moore’s sexual harassment of young girls and his general stupidity - Moore spokesman proclaims that both Moore and Trump swore on the bible (Rule: Moore and Trump are ultimately obligated to the bible; they are obligated to the US Constitution, not the bible). Jake Tapper of CNN points-this-out to the Moore spokesman, viz., that with swearing-in, the bible is optional. Tapper questions Moore spokesman further on his stance against gays and abortion, which are impractical to the point of absurdity, but “legitimate” to altercast for right wing reactionaries, as they have “support” in Abrahamic biblical literalism (while conveniently being losing positions in American electoral politics for the YKW to highlight).

Republicans, particularly of Alabama -

Rule: Obligatory - as Christians, we must forgive Roy Moore’s transgressions; and blacks who don’t vote for him are “stupid” for not following his propositional objectivist meritocracy.

Against all predictions, Roy Moore winds up losing the election to Doug Jones. This does not represent a revolutionary rebellion by Africans in overthrowing the system - they always vote Democrat. Furthermore, observe the American patriotism that is sincerely espoused by Doug Jones; along with his quoting, upon victory celebration, of the enforcement wing’s patron saint, Martin Luther King. That is to say, for those who don’t like America’s liberal influence domestically or abroad, this election won’t help, ultimately. It will only solidify America’s Jewish/liberal hegemony. Given Roy Moore’s loss…

Stormfront’s “Jay”: Giggles nervously, as always, purity spirals by promoting the lie of Hitler’s purely objective motives, his epistemic blunder as an alternative narrative recourse, since Republican objectivist politicking doesn’t work against the Jewish Republican / Democrat yin-yang.

Stormfront’s Father Francis solemnly concedes: “that may be the only way”, as he too laments Moore’s loss: Obligatory, show that he is not a racist against blacks, say that his black friend, “brother Carl”, understands. He understands “like the rest of us Alt-Righters” that immigration is going to take jobs and neighborhoods away from blacks. Its a shame that these other blacks can’t understand, like brother Carl, that its the Jews that are their enemy, not us right wingers.

Critic of Trump’s Zionist flunky-ism - blacks didn’t fall for it! They came out and voted democrat! Wise to (((White people))), they went against those who want to put across Trump’s Zionist aims abroad and White hubris domestically.

Man who oversees how the YKW control both Democrats and Republicans, answers Critic of Trump’s Zionist flunky-ism: Not only have the right wing YKW gone far through Trump in consolidating their Zionist position, and not only are the YKW well positioned with America and nations surrounding Iran to go against Iran in a longer game of “operation clean break” if necessary, but they have gone far enough in promoting right wing reactionaries among the goyim so that they can now turn to the Left-internationalist Jews interests to promote liberalism among the goyim, by parading the perfidy of these right wing goyim reactionaries and promoting the welfare of the liberal system’s enforcers - African Americans.

African Americans are not afraid of losing their jobs. They are concerned that welfare and other valuable resource continues to flow to them. Those who do not find welfare to be enough and cannot advance themselves though some form of entertainment celebrity (e.g. sports) can still have a well paying government job if they do not opt for selling drugs or some other degenerate activity on the side.

Hence, African Americans are not revolutionaries, they are enforcers of the liberal American system, as the liberal American system serves them. While the YKW hold sway over the Republican party dog whistling to Whites to mislead them into blind objectivism with false promises, its foreign and domestic didacticisim (reactionism), they also exercise sway, a bit more so, even, over the Democratic party and its didacticism (panmixia for the goyim).

Again, blacks voting Democrat and asserting their interests does not represent a revolutionary act by them in overthrow of the system - observe the American patriotism sincerely espoused by Doug Jones and his quoting of its enforcement wing’s patron saint, Martin Luther King. That is to say, for those who don’t like America’s neo-liberal influence domestically or abroad, this won’t help, ultimately. It will only solidify America’s Jewish/liberal hegemony.

That blacks will vote Democrat and in their own interests is no surprise - at all.

They are not worried about “their jobs being taken away”...

They are worried about their goverment handouts and tribute being taken away; and not very worried about that, as they will, in their hyper-assertiveness, just riot, burn and loot if they feel tribute is insufficient.

That is why they are not revolutionaries, because the liberal modernist system serves and placates them as its enforcers; while running roughshod, this impervious linear modernity breaks down the more circumspect patterns of Whites, smashes whatever would-be post modern ethnonational reconstruction they might achieve through left revolutionary unionization, stigmatizing it, punishing it, ostracizing it - liberal modernist enforcement renders Whites individually subordinate - sell-outs or techno-slaves - where it does not break them completely, to uphold the atavism of black episodic performance.

Black women are content to have babies with black men and to be single mothers on some form of goverment sinecure, whether welfare or a government job. The black men can go off and have babies with other women, not infrequently White women, as well. This tribute offered, they are enforcers of the liberal system. Riot, burn and loot where crossed.

Yes, Jews are orchestrating both sides.

Republicans (Zionist, objectivists, reactionaries) and Democrats (international liberals, “left” and cultural Marxists).

To say that they are contradicting themselves is to misunderstand their modus operandii - it is to use “too much logic.”

Answering the question of “is it good for Jews?” requires more a post modern feel of praxis and its manipulation through opportunistic casuistry than it does depend upon perfectly linear and binary coherence - they’re doing post modernity as it would be used in group interest for themselves only (a negotiation of the best of inheritance, tradition and modernity for themselves). With that, in asking the question, “is it good for Jews?”, are they going to get behind and stay behind Trump and the Republicans to the end now that they have made Zionist gains? - no, not necessarily. Where “the bad Jews” are exposed as their naughty right wingers, they will become honorary White individuals, while the bad Whites, the sell-outs, ironically, will be portrayed as characteristic of Whites in order to be poster boys to justify punishment for their group privilege. For the most part the Jews have what they want in Trump (foreign Zionism and domestic didacticism) and they have what they want in the democrats - universalized leftism.

A necessary corrective to overcome the massive contextual force of 2,000 years of Abrahamic hegemony intertwined with the hyper relativism caused by Western tradition’s culmination of modernity’s “pure objectivism” will be White Post Modernity and White Left ethno-nationalism - i.e., White collective unionization, held in place by the accountability afforded by acknowledgement of relative and subjective interests; by its hermeneutic, historical contiguity and accountable engagement as opposed to fickle, Cartesian empirical detachment; in the management of inclusionary and exclusionary rules based borders and boundaries; a management of EGI also held in place through a negotiated option of treating sex in a more celebratory manor or as a sacrament and/or concern for monogamy. This, borders and the additional rigors of celebration and careful selection will provide for the means of accountability to EGI, viz. a moral order that sustains human ecologies, including of European peoples, in a way that Christianity, its universalism and the golden rule does not.

A crisis in the custody suite – part 1

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 08 December 2017 23:41.

A cautionary tale for policemen

All morning, John Holly lay sleepless on the thin, blue plastic mattress in his cell. Several times he heard the sounds of activity in the corridor outside, metal doors slamming shut, once some shouting.  But beyond a couple of momentary check-ups through the panel in the door and the arrival of WPC Brook with sweet, weak tea in a plastic cup, no one took any interest in him at all.  It seemed that the Metropolitan Police Service was not used to suspects putting a large spoke in its little procedural wheel.

It had all gone horribly wrong for the Met four long and lonely hours earlier, in Holly’s initial interview, following his arrest at home in the small hours.  The fall guy had been the glotally challenged Detective Sergeant Kevin Boulder, seated across the table from him and the duty solicitor, a Miss Agarwal, in Interview Room 1.

“An ‘ate crime,” Boulder had confidently begun in the approved ex cathedra sing-song of the local comp boy made plod, “is a crime that the victim or any uvver person perceives to be motivated by ‘ostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person’s identity.  In this case we are dealin’ wiv ‘ostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race.  If the investigatin’ officer is satisfied that the offence took place as described by the victim ...”

“Prakash Ghosh,” interjected Holly, plainly stating a fact he knew only too well.

Miss Agarwal shifted in her seat.

“I am unable to disclose the victim’s precise identity at interview under caution,” replied Boulder, “That information will only be supplied if, at the conclusion of this investigation, a formal charge is laid.”

“But it was Ghosh,” Holly shot back, “You know it.  I know it.”


Zog mouthpiece Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital among litany of consolidating affronts

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 December 2017 06:26.

Trump signs recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

In a speech that Benjamin Netanyahu actually oversaw in drafting, Trump announced that the US will officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

This will please nobody but Israel, some right wing YKW and some bible thumping rapture bunnies from America’s Jesus belt.

At the same time it has played into the “crusader” rhetoric of ISIL and other Islamic fundamentalists, as inspiration for more terror.

Further, having firmly taken the side of Israel has neutered The US as a negotiator in the region; while defacto yielding greater influence of negotiation in the region to Putin, as he gains in appearance of neutrality (he isn’t neutral; he’s in Israel’s pocket as well) and increases The Russian Federation’s bargaining position in the Middle East.

That is just the start.

The most fundamental plank of Trump’s candidacy was to undo the Iran deal. A move that is good for nobody, but because Israel wants it, a motion which has been key to facilitating Trump’s presidency.

The Iran deal had paved the way for well considered, slow, steady liberalization of Iran that would allow other nations linked though the Silk Road to benefit with them through trade; while its undoing will increase fundamentalist Islamic reaction; combined with radicalization and destabilization of its regime, perhaps the resumption of Iran’s nuclear program and an increasing risk of world cataclysmic war - world war III.

The announcement of ZOG’s further consolidation - Jerusalem recognized as capital of Israel - comes, of course, after Trump and Kushner have armed Saudi to the umpteenth degree and endorsed its consolidating of Zion complicit power aimed in alignment with Israel against Iran.

Kushner Is Leaving Tillerson in the Dark on Middle East Talks.

All because ZOG wants that. And make no mistake, again, the Russian Federation is ZOG as well; it’s imperialist, parasitic oil business would be one of the few beneficiaries from a war with Iran.

“Israeli Defense Minister: ‘I Prefer ISIS to Iran on Our Borders”

Jewish wars have already cost the lives of so many Americans, Europeans and our allies; not to mention being a waste of our economic and military resource - the military budget has devastated the American economy.

This affront comes with a litany of moves by the Trump administration to consolidate ZOG’s grip at the expense of others.

Israel, already the recipient of some 10million dollars a day in foreign aid (according to former President Carter) has only had its aid increased; while Trump’s new tax bill cuts taxes for the wealthiest Americans, which would include, of course, disproportionate benefit to the YKW among right wing cohorts. At the same time the bill increases tax on those making less than 75k; and because the bill (naturally) still leaves a tremendous deficit, ZOG takes aim at cutting Social Security and Medicaid - note that White Americans are an older demographic.

Meanwhile: Americans do not pay into Social Security beyond yearly earnings of $127,500.  Why not?

The list of horrific ZOG effrontery goes on:

- For Jews, Supporting Trump is a Moral Imperative.

- Donald Trump gives Benjamin Netanyahu everything he wants.
  Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thursday, 16 February 2017.

- Trump and his cyber ‘czar’ Giuliani want to outsource US cybersecurity. Can you guess where-to?
  Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 14 January 2017.

- Only The US Remains in Support, Israel’s Illegal Settlements Rest on the Alt-Right’s Trump
  Posted by DanielS on Monday, 26 December 2016.

- Is Donald Trump playing 181 dimensional underwater jenga-chess? (Hint: No.)
  Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Monday, 05 December 2016.

- Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman: Trump Won Thanks To ‘The Jews’
  Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 November 2016.

- Alt-Right or Alt-Lite? It’s worse than you think.
  Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 18 November 2016.

The Alt-Right is a trendy facade that Paul Gottfried placed atop Frank Meyer’s paleoconservatism, a rightist fig leaf to mask, control and direct a myriad of right wing reactionaries; to go against any upstart left ethnonationalism that might awaken and respond as the YKW and right wing sell-outs have consolidated power upon the 2008 US real estate bust.

- We Told You So: Trump Panders to Israel - among his pandering at AIPAC, Trump promised that Jerusalem would become the capital of Israel.

The litany of ZOG effrontery goes on, our readers might care to note…

Jez on great form

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 12:18.

Great to see Jez Turner, after his latest appearance in a British court, so energised and strong, ripping into the Jewish activist apparatus and the complicity of the British state which, together, seek to silence him and, through him, all of us.

I reproduce below a lengthy comment from the YouTube thread.  There is quite a bit that could be said about whether this whole affair was really necessary for all concerned, even for Messers Falter and Silberman - who of course, may win just by default, despite what looks from the outside like a perilously weak case.  But now is not the time to do that.  Now is the time to praise Jez and wish him success.  If he does succeed and win his freedom it will be interesting to talk to him about the effects of that on our future speech, and we should certainly seek to do that.

From the thread:

Sophie Johnson 12 minutes ago

Superb sight, superb sound: the upright Englishman who declines to be intimidated by the moral dwarves of public and political life. Did Theresa May and Amber Rudd ever pause to think that Jez Turner will respond to the viscious attack on him by their close associates (the unsavoury Gideon Falter and friends of the CAA) as the event that licenses his public exposure of them all?  I doubt it. That cabal of moral zeros thought they had ‘got’ Jez intimidated, and with that, anyone else who might dare raise a voice against them. How wrong they were!

Still, this situation must give us pause: As Jez explains in his habitually firm and clear voice, the justice system in England and Wales has fallen vicitim to Zionist occupation. His own case illustrates this: The DPP and the CPS had decided correctedly that he will not be prosecuted for his criticism of the Shomrim and the associated Zionist behaviours in this country because he had done nothing wrong, despite Gideon Falter’s backroom dealings.

So what is happening? This: The DPP and CPS did not even wait for the outcome of the High Court Judicial Review initiated by Falter and the CAA; instead, they just agreed that Jez has to be prosecuted under Article 17 of the ECHR. So Jez is now before the Crown Court.

But will the DDP also be before the Crown Court to explain her change of mind? She had previously decided unequivocally that Jez Turner had done nothing wrong, so there is no ground on which to prosecute him, and it would not be in the public interest to prosecute him. So why did she change her mind with such alacrity? Will she be called before the Crown Court to explain? No: She will not. Why?

And will Falter the liar who claimed to have heard Jez’s Shomrim speech and been mortally offended by it be before the Crown Court to explain why he and his had lobbied the Executive Government so hard to cause the DPP to change her mind about prosecuting Jez? No: he will not. Why?

So here we have it: The zealous overturners of the judicial system of England and Wales: certain members of the Executive Government, the DPP and the morally faulty Falter of the CAA, have no case to answer. But Jez Turner, who exercised his right to self expression and did nothing wrong, is being tried by the Crwon Court.  Is there not a goodly touch of Alice in Wonderland in this? And is the British public not outraged? Probably not, for the public has not heard about this: our Zionist occupied ‘mainstream media’ is as silent as the tomb.

FCC doubles down on dead-wrong definition of how internet works

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 26 November 2017 06:33.

Tech Crunch, “FCC doubles down on its dead-wrong definition of how the internet works”, 25 Nov 2017:

In May, when the FCC released an early draft of its plan to undo 2015’s strong net neutrality rules, I pointed out that its case rests almost entirely on a deeply incorrect definition of how the internet works. There can be no mistake now that this misrepresentation is deliberate; the agency has reiterated it in even stronger terms in the final draft of the proposal.

I’m not going to go into great detail on it (my earlier post spells it out) but the basic problem is this: broadband has to be defined as either an information service or telecommunications service. The first is “the offering of a capability for generating, acquiring, storing, transforming, processing, retrieving, utilizing, or making available information,” while the second is “the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received.”

It’s important because the two things are regulated very differently — the FCC has much greater power over telecommunications services, under the “Title II” authority that internet service providers are so afraid of.

While it’s certainly true that ISPs do in some ways store and generate data on behalf of the user, usually as part of managing their networks, it’s equally certain that their primary purpose is to transmit data between the user and points of his or her choosing. Consequently, broadband should be classified as a telecommunications service.

But don’t take my word for it. The FCC made the argument for me in its 2015 order, citing many sources of its own in support of this fact. This excellent primer produced by the EFF and nearly 200 experts explains basically from first principles how the internet works and why it should be defined as telecommunications. There are big names on the list, but it seems clear that even the garden variety experts understand this much more clearly than the FCC does (or pretends to).

The FCC dismisses these scholars and founding technologists of the internet in a footnote, describing itself as “unpersuaded” that the internet works the way they insist it does. Meanwhile, the proposal repeatedly and unquestioningly cites the comments of ISPs claiming that something as simple as caching data magically exempts them from being telecommunication services:

Just trust them — after all, it’s not like they have a horse in this race.

The FCC’s case against net neutrality rests on a deliberate misrepresentation of how the internet works”, Tech Crunch 23 May 2017

The resulting definition of broadband as enabling users to generate, store, transform, and process their data is absurd. It is, as the Internet Engineers comment points out, like saying your phone is a pizzeria because you can use it to order a pizza. It is like saying that because you build a road, you are also building all the businesses along that road.

It is edge providers like Wikipedia, Dropbox, and even simple websites like TechCrunch that provide the services users request; it is ISPs that carry that data, with no change in form, between users and those edge providers. The FCC rejects this fundamental idea and substitutes a convenient fiction that upholds its current ambition to reclassify broadband. There is a semblance of plausibility to all this, but only because of precedents set in times when the internet looked very different.

This may be their downfall. Because the entire proposal is predicated on this spurious and outdated definition, to remove it causes the rest to crumble. Without reclassification there is no rollback of net neutrality. There is hope here: the FCC’s argument (which is to say, the broadband industry’s argument) already failed in court and may do so again. Here’s hoping. - Devin Coldewey

        Previously at MR, regarding net neutrality.

With all this exposing of sexual harassment, lording of privilege, White men need some lessons

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 08:20.

Counter-Currents, “Who’s Doing the Raping? - Aedon Cassiel

A meme circulating around social media after the revelations of Harvey Weinstein’s behavior said, “If you’re a man, don’t say anything to a woman that you wouldn’t want a man saying to you in prison.”

        Virulent bracket (((David Mamet))) scripts White male abuse of power; and
        narrates their ‘come-uppance’ from Oleana (1994, above) to Edmund (2005, below)



The fact remains that blacks continually and almost exclusively rape whites in prison. The evidence is based on studies conducted over the last 40 years (Davis 1968; Nacci 1978; Lookwood 1980; Starchild 1990). Why does this white victim preference prevail? Whites continue to be raped more severely and frequently and at a disproportionate rate than any other racial or ethnic group (in Gones 1967; Bowker 1980; Lookwood 1980). This racial inequality may be the largest in any violent crime committed in the United States. . . . Even if the minority of prisoners are black, the minority of victims are white (Sacco 1982, p. 91). When Lookwood (1980, p. 28) asked ‘targets’ to identify their aggressors at the time of their rape, most were black (80%), some were Hispanic (14%), and a few were white (6%). . . . Although many causation factors have been suggested for prison rape, they are all overshadowed by the racial categories of the victims and the rapists. Prison rape has been shown throughout this study to be racially motivated by predominantly black inmates specifically against white inmates who in turn are the victims. . . . racial hatred of whites by blacks appears to be the main force driving prison rape.

To put specific numbers on this, the report notes that studies consistently find that more than 90% of prison rapes are inter-racial and racially motivated. Blacks are found to be some 80% of the perpetrators, and whites are the vast majority of victims. Again, this is easily accessible in a peer-reviewed report published at a mainstream outlet. (So how are desegregated prisons working out for us now, huh?)

Can you connect the dots now? THIS is what political correctness means. “Political correctness” doesn’t mean making everyone use polite wording and asking people not to be mean. “Political correctness” means that because we won’t openly acknowledge the reality of the problem, white men raped by black men are literally one of the largest—and very possibly even the largest—category of sexual assault in the entirety of the whole United States, and you’ve been so ill-informed about this fact that I would sound like an alien if I were to say so in public, even though it is absolutely true.

Let me repeat that one more time so it sinks in: One of, and possibly the single largest demographic category of rape in the United States is the rape of white men by black men.

        Related: David Mamet’s Fraud Conservatism


These adverts communicate an important message, telling us the aims and desires of the corporations

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 19 November 2017 06:19.

        ...the YKW and liberals.

“These companies are all part of the problem and they are all pushing the same propaganda that pushes the agenda of White genocide; propaganda that normalizes the breeding-out of the indigenous people of these lands. These adverts are important though, as they communicate an important message to the public; they tell us the aims and desires of the globalist, capitalist system, the big corporations and the internationalists who control them; you see these internationalists have just shared with us their Christmas wish.” - Mark Collett.


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Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 21:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 20:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 19:49. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 23:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 22:01. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:52. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 18:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 14:23. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 08 Dec 2024 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 20:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 06 Dec 2024 01:08. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Wed, 04 Dec 2024 19:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 02 Dec 2024 23:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The journey to The Hague revisited, part 1' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 21:20. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The journey to The Hague revisited, part 1' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 17:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 04:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 01:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 23:49. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 01:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 00:02. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 17:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 12:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch wins Tory leadership election' on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 04:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 02:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 02:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 02:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sun, 24 Nov 2024 19:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sat, 23 Nov 2024 01:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:28. (View)

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